A Really Good Friday
People with leaf blowers stay away from Brutus, he already mauled a chainsaw because he didn't like the noise...The Emmys are already lined up and standing at attention in anticipation of this new reality TV show....This isn't good news, we have tickets to the Red Sox-Yankees game that night. If the Lations go on strike, who's left to play? A-Rod will be deciding what to do right up to the first pitch. Meanwhile, Red Sox fans are looking forward to Damon's return. Speaking of the Yankees, I'm not the only one who believes in the Curse that Ruth Built.....Bank Robbery for Dummies: Step One: use an inconspicuous getaway car....Better mixed drinks through science: check down on the left side of this site for some empirical evidence on the Theory of Relatively Hammered....Music Friday: time for some Gomez. You just have to respect a band which lists among its influences Charlie Mingus, The Beatles, The Grateful Dead, and pizza commercials on television.