Any Summer Travel Plans?
Going to London this summer? Now you have something to really look forward to. This story just screamed for a link to the classic Plastics scene from The Graduate. (Unfortunately, the video quality is crummy.) Hey, ever wondered what happened to that young actor who played Ben? Trivia Alert: The actor who played Dustin Hoffman's dad in the movie went on to be the voice of the car driven by this famous star. By the way, "Do the Pingu" would ya.
Coincidentally, three Kings from the Orient showed up bearing gifts, then were eaten by the shark.
An idea those "expert" traffic engineers never thought of. Important Constitutional Question of the Day answered: There's nothing illegal about displaying steer heads on private property, said Sgt. Dennis Rector.
Maybe they need to display some steer heads in Germany.
At least he wasn't driving a wheelchair.
It's for charity, dude.
Great news for hurricane lovers. The rest, check your flashlight batteries.
Warning to golfers: you might want to walk the course next time.
European summer vacationers, after visiting the museums in London, jet over to Stockholm. Update: I actually read the article and apparently the museum won't be open until 2009. So in the meantime, enjoy.
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