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More proof that Olympic organizers are snorting something, probably powdered alcohol (see the last item below). This has been a serious problem for many years with no signs of improving.
What's for dinner?
I admit, this is only humorous because they call it the Popemobile. I love that we live in a world where even serious, well-read, important people actually refer to the pope's car as the Popemobile.
For the second week I must ask, what are scientists doing looking in my refrigerator?
They probably did it to avoid being eaten.
Is your brand of detergent causing fish to become sexually confused?
JetBlue immediately canceled all flights so its employees could celebrate the good news.
People such as this sue crazy judge makes one really hope that Karma is real.
This is the sort of far-thinking technological advancement this country used to be known for before we spent all our time developing new cell phones.
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