Opening Day!
It's official, Spring has arrived because the Boys of Summer are back for their annual quest to win the Fall Classic. Red Sox fans are preparing for another exciting year of ups and downs (Warning: Ear Muffs). There are many new faces on the team. (All right, this whole doll thing is extremely creepy and, besides, the doll is a fan whore.) The Yankees, meanwhile, kept their core players together for another year....Damon Lee Roth Update: The only surprise here is that they gave David Lee Roth just a warning instead of canceling the show immediately. After all, Roth might be the only person ever to interview Johnny Damon and make Damon feel as if he was the smart one. Don't believe it? Take a listen. (Hint: fast forward to the end of the second link to hear one of the most bizarre attempts at a joke in recorded history.)...Parents in the market for a car seat, check the size your child needs first. Note, parenting doesn't get any easier...Personally, I think this is just a fad. I mean, what sort of person would spend his time reading news from all over the world on a computer?... Good luck to these drug smugglers trying to explain this when they meet their maker....Want to get out of Iran? The old fake wrestler ploy has already been tried....Play ball! First pitch is this afternoon. Batters, watch out for low and inside.
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