Now Boarding Gate to Hell
This is exactly the kind of car Americans would buy, if only it came in a seven passengers version with room in the back to carry a full size refrigerator....Meanwhile, Congress is investigating Big Oil, fearing that the current gas price increases could threaten the American Way of Life, namely their chances for re-election.....Now on to the day's more important issues: On American Idol people thankfully stopped picking Pickler....A senate committee recommends abolishing FEMA. What has people in Washington worried is that FEMA officials have been stockpiling supplies and are now hunkering down in one of the agency's modern emergency bunkers....SRO from BOS to LAX: Hey, look on the bright side, at least you get all the legroom you need. I recall reading a piece years ago by Roy Blount, Jr. recommending a very similar thing. His idea, I think, was more along the lines of taking out all the seats and just keep loading in passengers until they didn't fit anymore. And the passengers could take whatever they wanted with them, all their luggage, farm animals, etc. Maybe those weren't Mr. Blount's ideas exactly, and if that is the case, I'll take credit for them....If you ever listen to the chirps of a songbird and wonder: "Did that bird just use a split infinitive?" you'll be glad to know you might not be as insane as everyone says. Speaking of noisy birds and insanity, I keep fearing a return of the dreaded mockingbird.
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