Now If We Could Only Capture Bin Laden
Residents of LA can rest easy tonight, Reggie has been caught.
If there was a superhero that could solve Naples trash crisis, wouldn't he be called Garbageman.
Unfortunately, I think we missed the Yasothon Bun Bang Fai rocket festival. Apparently there was a "large feast to enjoy as well as beauty pageants to gaze upon."
Not angry? Tibetan Monks would make the best parents in the world.
Admit it, deep down we all feel extremely stupid whenever we buy a bottle of water. Well then, think how stupid Coca-Cola must feel today, especially since, according to this headline, it believes the company it is buying actually makes water.
First The Police get back together, now this. In case you missed it, Donny Osmond has a new CD out that I recently reviewed.
Like this will do anything. According to the article: Maria McClory, 38, drove 10 miles out of her way to buy a diet soda from Pollack's station after seeing local television coverage of the protest. "I just wanted to support them and thank them for making a statement," said McClory. Let me see if I understand, this women drove 20 extra miles and used approximately a gallon of gas to to show her support for this gas station's protest against the big oil companies. For the record, the big oil companies are laughing at us.
"HA, HA, HA, HA, HA," said the big oil companies.
I have no idea what this video is about, but I couldn't stop watching. The Hoff in a light saber battle with a robot comes at the end.
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