Cats and Dogs
Further proof that cats want us dead: Now they are purposefully spreading the Bird Flu. Although it's easy to understand why they hate us...Oh, I forgot, nobody actually cares about this. The country of Moldova seems to have just discovered the special joy to be had from celebrity divorces, something People magazine has based its entire existence on..."I Can't Get No Shrimp Lo Mein...". Maybe The Stones will visit the Great Wall of China and reminisce about what it looked like during construction....Here's your Idol update, for those who didn't plunge flaming bamboo ka-bob skewers into your ear canals during Tuesday's Kenny Rogers' Country Song Night. Kenny's Country Song Advice on Idol: Eat a hearty meal first....Prison Break: Doggie Style. This might explain why Rosco tried to escape. Soon, dogs will hate us as much as cats do...And here's to you Mrs. Robinson.
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