Thursday, October 28, 2004

World Series - Game Four
Note to employers: Red Sox Nation will not be in to work today. They might show up, but don't expect much to get done. After all, we were up late celebrating our victory last night. That's right: our victory. Red Sox fans finally coaxed, wished, wiggled, squirmed, and prayed their team on to a world championship win. It was a total Red Sox Nation effort. Ever since Carlton Fisk showed how you can wave a ball into fair territory, as he did to win Game Six of the 1975 series, Red Sox fans have been waving balls this way and that from their living rooms, from barstools, and from the stands. I blame myself for Nixon's two run double not making it out of the park last night because I was a split second too slow jumping up from my rocker to gesture the ball over the centerfield wall. Luckily, the Sox never needed the extra runs. I'd have felt terrible, otherwise.

The Red Sox did it. During a lunar eclipse that turned the moon a reddish color, and could have turned into a dark omen. But not this time. Too many people were believers. Too many fans willing strikes and ground outs and pop outs on the Cardinals for a collapse. Too many people, from across the world, were willing the Red Sox to a CHAMPIONSHIP.

Way to Go Sox! You Yanked the Yanks, Plucked the Pigeons and you Crushed the Curse!

We Can't Wait Until Next Year!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

World Series - Game Three
The Red Sox won. Again. They are up in the series 3-0 against the Cardinals. Baseball fans across the nation are thinking this World Series is all but wrapped up. If you are a true Red Sox fan, however, you know what this really means. It means things aren't looking too good for the Sox. This is exactly where Red Sox Nation didn't want to be, with everything going our way. All we can do now is hope and pray the Red Sox can somehow manage one more win over the next four games. Because if they don't, this entire region will be placed under a suicide watch. Hundreds of thousands of grief counselors will need to be flown in. The entire population of New England will seriously consider moving to Florida and becoming NASCAR fans.

Of course, Red Sox Nation doesn't actually feel that gloomy right now. Many people are claiming to be confident. Some even outright saying this might be the year. That's not the only bad omen, either. The other is the lunar eclipse in tonight's game. And don't forget, Game Seven (if necessary, please don't be necessary) is scheduled for Halloween.

Despite everything seemingly lined up against the Red Sox, the plucky fans still believe. God bless them. Go Sox. Pluck the Pigeons. Don't pull a yankee on us.

Monday, October 25, 2004

World Series - Games 1 and 2
The Red Sox are in the World Series, so of course most of New England is currently sitting with its collective head between its collective knees and breathing into its collective paper bag to keep from hyperventilating. You would think that a 2-0 lead would allow Red Sox Nation to relax. HA! we say! Relax! Red Sox Nation will not relax! Not until the final, winning, out is recorded, and all appeals by the South Koreans have been exhausted.

We started off the World Series where we wanted: As the underdog. Now after winning the first two games we realize that things might be going too well. We won't fall for it, however. Disaster is right around the corner. Actually, disaster has been tapping Red Sox players on the shoulder, with 8 errors in two games. But those crazy Red Sox turned around and gave disaster one of their patented multi-stepped, congratulatory handshakes. Last I saw, disaster was hanging out in the dug out smiling and letting its hair and beard grow long.

Whatever happens in the World Series, however, Red Sox Nation will always remeber how they Yanked the Yanks in the ALCS.

Go Sox! Stuff the Birds!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Now We Know How the Red Sox Did It
Curt Schilling explains it all to a national audience.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Game Heaven
We Believe! Lordy, do we believe. The Red Sox did what everybody assumed was impossible - come back 0-3, beat the most storied and most expensive team in the game, do it at their home, and erase all the lingering snide comments about never winning in the end. Of all the Red Sox failures, this Red Sox victory trumps them all. Last year, the Sox were five outs away. This year the Yankees were three outs, but with three more games in reserve, just in case. The thing is, even if the Yankees had won last night, the Red Sox comeback was legendary and inspiring, and the Yankees would still have been left with a bad taste in their mouths.

The World Series. That's right: the World Series begins at Fenway Park Saturday night (thanks to Joe Torre and the entire All-Star Yankee cast winning the All-Star game and giving the American League home field advantage). By the way, Francona will be coaching that game next July, and picking the non-starting players.

They did it. They Yanked the Yanks!

Enjoy it Red Sox Nation. It is well deserved. It was historic. It was inspiring. It is coming out in a book by Stephen King called Faithful in December. We Still Believe!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Game Six
Unbelievable. Red Sox Nation believes but, still, this is just unbelievable. The Red Sox-Yankees go to a Game Seven tonight. The Sox already did the impossible, coming back from 0-3 to do what has never been done, extending a series to seven games, so by definition anything is now possible. For instance, Curt Schilling coming back last night to pitch a huge game after having his live-wire tendon on his exploded ankle held in place by stitching down his skin. WHO DOES THAT? On the post-game show, Dennis Eckersley looked both amazed and horrified to hear what the doctors and Schilling did. And Eckersley was one of the toughest players ever. We don’t have Mount Rushmore here in New England, but after yesterday’s performance, New Hampshire might carve Schilling's likeness in place of where the Old Man in the Mountain used to be.

Game Seven tonight. Anything can happen (and probably will). Go Sox! One more time: Yank those Yanks!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Game Five
After the marathon 329-inning Game Four win, the Red Sox-Yankees had approximately 6 minutes to rest up before starting Game Five, which went 487 innings. Both Red Sox victories came with David "Big Papi" Ortiz hitting the winning run. But now they head to New York were there is a ton of "winning tradition" in the form of "gigantic player salaries," as well as the so-called baseball ghosts. The ghosts come from beyond the outfield where Monument Park is located and where all the great, dead Yankee players of the past, except Yogi Berra, who still insists on making commercials, are buried. Curt Shilling takes his exploding ankle onto the mound. Red Sox fans have no idea what to expect, but we'll just strap ourselves in and go along for the ride.

Fox broadcast update: Yesterday's game started 3 1/2 hours BEFORE the Astro-Cardinals game yet finished only 25 minutes earlier. During the long telecast there were several times when it was actually enjoyable to watch the game. After a few of those times, we realized it was because Tim McCarver had stopped talking. We can only assume it wasn't because he had nothing obvious to tell the viewing audience (such as in what situations a batter would really like to get a hit), but rather because he kept falling asleep.

Go Sox! Keep Yanking Those Yanks! Nobody Wake up McCarver!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Game Three and Four
After Game Three, many loyal Red Sox fans had their faith shaken to the core. It was the most embarrassing post season loss ever, with a final score of 124 to 8. At least it seemed much worse than the official scorekeeper's total of 19 Yankee runs. But before anybody jumped off any bridges, or worse, started shopping for a Jeter jersey, the Red Sox came back from the brink of being swept (3 outs away) in a thrilling, extra-innings game that lasted until 1:20 this morning. The Sox have new life, and once again Red Sox Nation believes that this could be the year. But that might be the sleep deprivation talking.

Game Five starts soon.

Go Pedro, you S.O.Y. (Son of a Yankee). Go Sox! And, as always, Yank the Yanks!

Friday, October 15, 2004

To Beth
Happy Anniversary. Happy Anniversary. Happy Anniversaryyyyyy. Haaaappy Anniversary.

PS: Happy Anniversary.

Pre-game Analysis
After reading several newspaper articles about the Red Sox-Yankees series and listening to sports reports on television today, I have prepared a detailed summary based on this in-depth coverage that should help clarify the Red Sox situation.

Here are the main points gleaned from the Red Sox coverage this morning:

1. Being down 0-2 in the series puts the Red Sox at a disadvantage.

2. To make it to the World Series the Red Sox MUST WIN GAMES. No team has ever won the ALCS without winning games.

3. To win games, the Red Sox must score runs. It also helps to stop the Yankees FROM scoring runs. At the end of the game, the team with the most runs wins the game (see point 2).

I'm not an expert, so having access to such insightful analysis has helped me tremendously.

Go Sox! Don't Count the Idiots Out! Yank the Yanks!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Game Two
Warning: Red Sox Nation will be very grumpy this morning. Take it easy on them. The good news, after carefully checking the rule book, is that this is a seven game series, so technically speaking, the Red Sox are still in it despite losing the first two games. Hey, in baseball, anything can happen. Usually, though, it happens in a negative way to the Red Sox. Case in point: Curt Shilling's ankle exploding. They say a tendon inside there is "snapping" or flapping around when he pitches. I picture it as being similar to a live, downed power line whipping around on the street.

At least the Red Sox have successfully tossed aside the yoke of high expectations and are now set in their normal, underdog role. Oddly enough, as a fan, if they were up 2-0 I would be much more nervous. Because that would be too good to be true. Admit it Red Sox Nation, we are in our comfort zone now. Also, a comeback series win would be that much more exciting.

We still believe. (What else do we have to do, go leaf peeping?)

Go Sox! Yank the Yanks' Chain! Take the next four straight!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Game One
After last night's tough Red Sox loss, all baseball fans can atleast agree on one indisputable fact: Tim McCarver should not be anyone's number one color commentator. Especially, if it's baseball. At one point last night he announced the Game Two pitching matchup as Brandon Arroyo against Pedro Martinez. Then corrected himself, saying it was Bronson Arroyo. Then corrected himself again, admitting that the two are actually teammates, and for them to pitch against each other at this point of the postseason would be highly unusual.

Tim McCarver also took ten minutes explaining to the viewing audience the highly complicated senario wherein the two playoff games tonight will be shown simultaneously on FOX and FSN. Listening to him, you would have thought he was explaining international monetary policy. Otherwise, the man spends the rest of the game explaining the obvious, and does a poor job of it. Add to that Fox Sports noisy graphics and we must all ask ourselves: how many more seasons does Fox Sports have the rights to baseball?

Anyway, the Red Sox managed to stop New York's successful string of first game losses in a playoff series by allowing New York to win.

Oedipal Pedro goes out on the mound tonight to take care of his daddy.

Red Sox Rock! Yank those Yanks!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Battle Begins
It's here. The Red Sox v. the Yankees for the American League Championship. Let the heartburn begin. The Red Sox managed to sweep Anaheim, but not before allowing a hair-raising Angel comeback in game three that had all the markings of bad things to come. They didn't. The Red Sox won, and Red Sox Nation can't help but think maybe this year really IS going to be different. We should know better. But then again, what purpose would knowing better serve.

Go Sox! Yank the Yanks!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Late Night
Be understanding today if New Englanders seem a bit groggy. Most of us were up until 2 in the morning watching the Red Sox beat the Angels 8-3 and take a 2-0 lead against Anaheim in the ALDS. The division series next moves to Fenway Park tomorrow at the practically predawn hour of 4 p.m. We are hoping for a sweep so that we can enjoy the remainder of the Twins-Yankees series in blissful peace.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Playoffs Begin
The Red Sox kick off the baseball playoffs today, facing the Anaheim Angels. I desperately want the Red Sox to sweep the Angels, or at least not face an elimination game. My biggest fear isn't that the Sox will not win the World Series, but that they will go to the final game in each and every series they play in and Red Sox Nation's hair will turn more and more gray with each pitch.

Go Sox!