Wednesday, October 27, 2004

World Series - Game Three
The Red Sox won. Again. They are up in the series 3-0 against the Cardinals. Baseball fans across the nation are thinking this World Series is all but wrapped up. If you are a true Red Sox fan, however, you know what this really means. It means things aren't looking too good for the Sox. This is exactly where Red Sox Nation didn't want to be, with everything going our way. All we can do now is hope and pray the Red Sox can somehow manage one more win over the next four games. Because if they don't, this entire region will be placed under a suicide watch. Hundreds of thousands of grief counselors will need to be flown in. The entire population of New England will seriously consider moving to Florida and becoming NASCAR fans.

Of course, Red Sox Nation doesn't actually feel that gloomy right now. Many people are claiming to be confident. Some even outright saying this might be the year. That's not the only bad omen, either. The other is the lunar eclipse in tonight's game. And don't forget, Game Seven (if necessary, please don't be necessary) is scheduled for Halloween.

Despite everything seemingly lined up against the Red Sox, the plucky fans still believe. God bless them. Go Sox. Pluck the Pigeons. Don't pull a yankee on us.


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