Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Game Five
After the marathon 329-inning Game Four win, the Red Sox-Yankees had approximately 6 minutes to rest up before starting Game Five, which went 487 innings. Both Red Sox victories came with David "Big Papi" Ortiz hitting the winning run. But now they head to New York were there is a ton of "winning tradition" in the form of "gigantic player salaries," as well as the so-called baseball ghosts. The ghosts come from beyond the outfield where Monument Park is located and where all the great, dead Yankee players of the past, except Yogi Berra, who still insists on making commercials, are buried. Curt Shilling takes his exploding ankle onto the mound. Red Sox fans have no idea what to expect, but we'll just strap ourselves in and go along for the ride.

Fox broadcast update: Yesterday's game started 3 1/2 hours BEFORE the Astro-Cardinals game yet finished only 25 minutes earlier. During the long telecast there were several times when it was actually enjoyable to watch the game. After a few of those times, we realized it was because Tim McCarver had stopped talking. We can only assume it wasn't because he had nothing obvious to tell the viewing audience (such as in what situations a batter would really like to get a hit), but rather because he kept falling asleep.

Go Sox! Keep Yanking Those Yanks! Nobody Wake up McCarver!


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