Thursday, October 14, 2004

Game Two
Warning: Red Sox Nation will be very grumpy this morning. Take it easy on them. The good news, after carefully checking the rule book, is that this is a seven game series, so technically speaking, the Red Sox are still in it despite losing the first two games. Hey, in baseball, anything can happen. Usually, though, it happens in a negative way to the Red Sox. Case in point: Curt Shilling's ankle exploding. They say a tendon inside there is "snapping" or flapping around when he pitches. I picture it as being similar to a live, downed power line whipping around on the street.

At least the Red Sox have successfully tossed aside the yoke of high expectations and are now set in their normal, underdog role. Oddly enough, as a fan, if they were up 2-0 I would be much more nervous. Because that would be too good to be true. Admit it Red Sox Nation, we are in our comfort zone now. Also, a comeback series win would be that much more exciting.

We still believe. (What else do we have to do, go leaf peeping?)

Go Sox! Yank the Yanks' Chain! Take the next four straight!


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