Friday, September 29, 2006

Swan Carnage in Scotland
Weeds that can smell, this can't be good....Less likely it will work, but you only have to pass one bad check this way....Whew! An itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot rock legend lives. But please explain this line from the article: "He says he has been inundated with calls from people who think he died." My question is, why were these people calling him if they thought he was dead?....Good news insomniacs: this should help....I've always said nothing ruins a good ethnic competition more than cross-dressing cheats....Carnage on Scottish roadways.....Uh-oh, this can't be good either....Next, parents will be able to push one button and a robot shaped like Alice from the Brady Bunch will come over and shove the proper cafeteria food down the child's throat....Music Friday: Give up for The Hanks, who according to themselves are "better than your favorite band." Which would definitely be true if this were your favorite band.

Friday, September 22, 2006

If Oprah Was President
We can let it slide, so long as they stopped the shampoo from boarding....Idaho wants to be known for more than just potatoes. Buttery Beef?? Nutty Trout?? Huh???....What, a dietary supplement sold in men's magazines as a natural male enhancement product wasn't legit? Who would have guessed?....There is a growing, grassroots swelling movement to get Oprah to run for president, complete with an "If Oprah Was President" campaign theme song. Actual lyrics: "An angel would lead our government/If Oprah was president.". If she could get Barack Obama as a running mate, it would be Oprah Obama in Oh-Eight...Maybe they were doing it for extra credit...When we go, we should all hope to be remembered for something so eggs-traordinary....When you're ready to get serious about confetti blasting, here's the website for you....A bright spot in an otherwise dreary year for Red Sox fans (I know I've posted it before, but come next season we will feel that way again.)....Music Friday: Make room for OneRepublic.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There once was a man with a blog...
Sure, they look harmless enough, until you are face to face with one in a zoo cage. I'm referring to drunk tourists....Mother Nature is officially out of control. And now exotic birds from Chile are turning up in England's sewage settlement pools...Let's give a big hand to our dancers - No, not literally....If I'm reading this correctly, this priest is not a big Ashlee or Jessica Simpson fan. Memorable Quote: "Their breasts will sag and their faces will wither."....It's encouraging to read that England's big sports stars drink a lot also....So much for free speech and the open and honest exchange of ideas in Canada....Education in Maine: It could be worse, though. It could be 50 limericks about physics. Here's step-by-step instruction on how to write your own limerick. Good Luck.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Smoking Pipes and Licking Butter
Good news for drinkers. Unless you start seeing things like this in your living room...Walking sharks simply can not be good news...With the demise of the Red Sox, maybe I can learn to appreciate another sport and turn my attention to things such as a "damp squib."....This wins for least surprising news story of the day....This reminds me, tomorrow is primary election day around here...Apparently, there is nothing further to report on the dredging project....Ever think of moving to Georgia and raising cattle? think again....Home Improvement Tip of the Day, Water pipes should not be smoking....Parental Tip of the Day for parents of obese children: Don't let him sit "in front of the TV licking a stick of butter." Funny, I was just writing about this epidemic this week.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mud Slingers
After reading the headline and the article, repeat after me: "Oh, they mean those kinds of nuts."...Talk about stealing school lunch money...I think I received half of them....Vince Lombardi had a similar football philosophy, Don't Freeze to Death....Great, it wasn't bad enough having Kevin Federline making CDs, now it's the Naked Cowboy. His songs probably won't become classics, as Britney's did. Favorite Fugue Related Line: "Her impetuous skanky youth phase."..."As the Mud Turns," "The Muds of Our Lives," or my favorite "The Young and the Muddy," all possible titles for a new TV soap opera in Indonesia. It makes one wonder why anyone watches TV....Sad news, Hung Electric zapped. Hung Electric?...Anyone thought to look for Osama inside the guy's beard?

Monday, September 11, 2006

The column I wrote the day after September 11, 2001

Despite Terrorist Attacks, Kids Will Still Be Kids
by Lee Ostaszewski

At a time like this it is hard to be funny. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon knocked the funny right out of me. Sort of the way the wind is knocked out of us when we get hit squarely in, what we used to call as kids, our breadbasket.

Remember how that felt? You get hit so hard and so sharply in the stomach that your body seems to forget how to breath.

Eventually we start breathing again. Actually we start breathing right away, but it is painful and done in short, irregular spurts at first. But you have to begin breathing. Otherwise you become lightheaded, then pass out, and then some guy with breath so awful he should have a hazmat symbol painted on his cheek gives you CPR.

If you ever get hit in the breadbasket you want to avoid the guy with toxic breath. So you start breathing again.

The same goes with humor. We can't live without it. We can't make it through events such as these without it. But because I am writing this column the day after the tragedy, the humor comes in fits and coughs and a little painfully.

Decades from now it will be hard for young people to comprehend what September 11, 2001 was like. I can't say I know what it was like for the victims, the survivors or the rescuers. I hope I never find out.

For the rest of us, who followed the events on radio and T.V., the day was a mix of shock, grief, and having to do a bunch of rather mundane stuff.

For starters, many of us were working when the attacks occurred. Jobs still needed to get done. Many of us did what we could muster up in ourselves to do while also listening to the reports. As hard as it was, keeping busy was probably better. But we wanted to know what was happening. Every new second promised to bring about a new, important detail. Or, as in the first hour and a half, it brought details of one new tragedy after another.

The cascading nature of the multiple events was probably the most frightening aspect. First one plane hit a World Trade Center tower, then a second plane hit the other tower, then a plane hit the Pentagon, then one tower fell, then the next, then a plane crashed in Pennsylvania. President Bush was airborne, his destination unknown. Then he was at an air force base making a statement. The nation's airports were closed. The stock market was closed. Skyscrapers in cities across the nation were being evacuated. Even Disney World shut down.

Still, it doesn't matter that September 11, 2001 will be remembered as another "Day of Infamy," decades from now when young people ask what we did that day, amazingly we will tell them we did a lot of things we do everyday. Dinner had to be made, laundry had to be done, bills had to be paid, children had to be tucked into bed, then had to be reminded, twice, that it was late and they needed to stop talking and go to sleep.

In fact, young children are a great grounding force during a day of horrific tragedy. Regardless of what takes place, they still need to be fed, to be put to bed, to be taken care of. So even if you're not hungry, you make dinner. Even if you have images of destruction and mayhem going through your mind, you listen to a story they want to tell about their day.

The day after the tragedy, the day I am writing this, my son Christopher - a newly inducted kindergartner - was telling me about his day. He said he and his friend Ian were playing a running-away game from the girls during recess. I asked him if the girls liked the game. Chris said the girls didn't know that he and Ian were running away from them. I suggested that maybe the game would be more fun if the girls actually knew about it. He gave this some thought then said, "No, I don't think so."

We were hit hard in the old breadbasket. Now we just need to catch our breath and soon we will be breathing again.

©Lee J. Ostaszewski, 2001

The Father, Son and Holy PlayStation
Before the usual foolishness begins, let's take a moment to reflect on 9/11.

At least it appears the driver was using a hands-free device at the time....Kids, it's Sunday morning, you know what that means: Christian Video Game Time. Game tip: The object is to convert nonbelievers and ultimately prevent evil forces from taking over the world.. Game tip #2: Want to ward off evil? Hit the prayer button.....After a hard day of playing video games and fighting evil, it's time to relax with a drink. I have personally experienced the many wonders of the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker and it really does work as demonstrated in the video, and furthermore I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to buy one and bring it to a party or social gathering I am attending....In Wyoming they're gunning for elk/red deer hybrids. Quote of Note: “You know how mule deer hop and whitetails gallop? Hybrids tend to stumble.”....We can assume his outburst was against the advice of his lawyer...I don't know what this headline is referring to, but it can't be good....Who says modern art is hard to appreciate.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Feeling of McDoom
In college we had microbes growing in a toxic waste site (the toilet bowl), and every called it disgusting. My question is what happens when the toxic waste-eating bacteria is finished....Get Kofi on the line, this is cause for a UN resolution....Did any one check to make sure this tall "tree" wasn't a cell phone tower....This should help get the message out: Just Say No to Baked Goods. As for those hospitalized eating the pot laced brownies, according to the article, "Their symptoms included anxiety, rapid heart rate, chest pains, 'and a feeling of doom." That last symptom could be the title of my autobiography...When you first heard this, you wondered the same thing everyone else did, She can drive?. As Paris Hilton explains in the article, she was speeding because she wanted a quick In-N-Out. Oh, it's a burger chain she's referring to. I'm so Sorry. Speaking of fast food news, now when visiting Kuala Lumpur, we won't be confused...Charlie the Roster is to be given a restraining order against its antisocial behavior...Music Friday: Where else would you expect a band calling themselves Grizzly Bear to come from other than Brooklyn, New York?

Feeling of McDoom
In college we had microbes growing in a toxic waste site (the toilet bowl), and every called it disgusting. My question is what happens when the toxic waste-eating bacteria is finished....Get Kofi on the line, this is cause for a UN resolution....Did any one check to make sure this tall "tree" wasn't a cell phone tower....This should help get the message out: Just Say No to Baked Goods. As for those hospitalized eating the pot laced brownies, according to the article, "Their symptoms included anxiety, rapid heart rate, chest pains, 'and a feeling of doom." That last symptom could be the title of my autobiography...When you first heard this, you wondered the same thing everyone else did, She can drive?. As Paris Hilton explains in the article, she was speeding because she wanted a quick In-N-Out. Oh, it's a burger chain she's referring to. I'm so Sorry. Speaking of fast food news, now when visiting Kuala Lumpur, we won't be confused...Charlie the Roster is to be given a restraining order against its antisocial behavior...Music Friday: Where else would you expect a band calling themselves Grizzly Bear to come from other than Brooklyn, New York?

Feeling of McDoom
In college we had microbes growing in a toxic waste site (the toilet bowl), and every called it disgusting. My question is what happens when the toxic waste-eating bacteria is finished....Get Kofi on the line, this is cause for a UN resolution....Did any one check to make sure this tall "tree" wasn't a cell phone tower....This should help get the message out: Just Say No to Baked Goods. As for those hospitalized eating the pot laced brownies, according to the article, "Their symptoms included anxiety, rapid heart rate, chest pains, 'and a feeling of doom." That last symptom could be the title of my biography...When you first heard this, you wondered the same thing everyone else did, She can drive?. As Paris Hilton explains in the article, she was speeding because she wanted a quick In-N-Out. Oh, it's a burger chain she's referring to. I'm so Sorry. Speaking of fast food news, now when visiting Kuala Lumpur, we won't be confused...Charlie the Roster to be given a restraining order...Music Friday: Where else would you expect a band calling themselves Grizzly Bear to come from other than Brooklyn, New York?

Feeling of McDoom
In college we had microbes growing in a toxic waste site (the toilet bowl), and every called it disgusting. My question is what happens when the toxic waste-eating bacteria is finished....Get Kofi on the line, this is cause for a UN resolution....Did any one check to make sure this tall "tree" wasn't a cell phone tower....This should help get the message out: Just Say No to Baked Goods. As for those hospitalized eating the pot laced brownies, according to the article, "Their symptoms included anxiety, rapid heart rate, chest pains, 'and a feeling of doom,.". The last symptom could be the title of my biography...When you first heard this, you thought the same thing everyone else did, She can drive?. As Paris Hilton explains in the article, she was speeding because she wanted a quick In-N-Out. Oh, it's a burger chain. Sorry. Speaking of fast food news, now if visiting Kuala Lumpur, we won't be confused...Charlie the Roster to be given a restraining order...Music Friday: Where else would you expect a band calling themselves Grizzly Bear come from other than Brooklyn, New York?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

There Should be a Lime Law On Cars, Ugly Enough to Return
If this were true, we wouldn't need caller ID....Depressing news for those just starting the school year, in Australia they're planning for their end of the year "schoolies". Speaking of school, this might lead to bullies stealing children's fingerprints...Mother of the Year going to jail. What? suddenly 11-year olds can't baby-sit toddlers, and children can't ride in the trunk of a car, anymore? Meanwhile, Son of the Year award is being taken back in this case....Would you drive a lemon - colored car? How about lime? Compare...The Philippine Senate discusses theology, which makes about as much sense as The View discussing transmission repair....Guinness Stout: "See us when you're bigger, umm, I mean older."...Who says there are no important scientific experiments being performed in outer space?