Feeling of McDoom
In college we had microbes growing in a toxic waste site (the toilet bowl), and every called it disgusting. My question is what happens when the toxic waste-eating bacteria is finished....Get Kofi on the line, this is cause for a UN resolution....Did any one check to make sure this tall "tree" wasn't a cell phone tower....This should help get the message out: Just Say No to Baked Goods. As for those hospitalized eating the pot laced brownies, according to the article, "Their symptoms included anxiety, rapid heart rate, chest pains, 'and a feeling of doom,.". The last symptom could be the title of my biography...When you first heard this, you thought the same thing everyone else did, She can drive?. As Paris Hilton explains in the article, she was speeding because she wanted a quick In-N-Out. Oh, it's a burger chain. Sorry. Speaking of fast food news, now if visiting Kuala Lumpur, we won't be confused...Charlie the Roster to be given a restraining order...Music Friday: Where else would you expect a band calling themselves Grizzly Bear come from other than Brooklyn, New York?
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