The Father, Son and Holy PlayStation
Before the usual foolishness begins, let's take a moment to reflect on 9/11.
At least it appears the driver was using a hands-free device at the time....Kids, it's Sunday morning, you know what that means: Christian Video Game Time. Game tip: The object is to convert nonbelievers and ultimately prevent evil forces from taking over the world.. Game tip #2: Want to ward off evil? Hit the prayer button.....After a hard day of playing video games and fighting evil, it's time to relax with a drink. I have personally experienced the many wonders of the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker and it really does work as demonstrated in the video, and furthermore I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to buy one and bring it to a party or social gathering I am attending....In Wyoming they're gunning for elk/red deer hybrids. Quote of Note: “You know how mule deer hop and whitetails gallop? Hybrids tend to stumble.”....We can assume his outburst was against the advice of his lawyer...I don't know what this headline is referring to, but it can't be good....Who says modern art is hard to appreciate.
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