Swan Carnage in Scotland
Weeds that can smell, this can't be good....Less likely it will work, but you only have to pass one bad check this way....Whew! An itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot rock legend lives. But please explain this line from the article: "He says he has been inundated with calls from people who think he died." My question is, why were these people calling him if they thought he was dead?....Good news insomniacs: this should help....I've always said nothing ruins a good ethnic competition more than cross-dressing cheats....Carnage on Scottish roadways.....Uh-oh, this can't be good either....Next, parents will be able to push one button and a robot shaped like Alice from the Brady Bunch will come over and shove the proper cafeteria food down the child's throat....Music Friday: Give up for The Hanks, who according to themselves are "better than your favorite band." Which would definitely be true if this were your favorite band.
It is got the monday paper and by cup of coffee - in the order - opened it you your article and let me tell you I laughed - real throw back head laugh from the start to the end - NOBODY makes me laugh like you do - doesn't that sound like a line in a song!! going from the iPods to the 8-track - to the Heimlick Maneuver and ramen noodles - I agree - to the cars that no one looks under the hood anymore - - my o my you are really a HOOT!!!! - I have never been disappointed in you
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