Rock On
If you live in New York City and your young child yells from the front yard to tell you that an 80s pop music icon just picked up your garbage, don't doubt him....Need to repel kangaroos, there's good news and bad news: Dingo urine works, but you have to get it from the dingo first. Before going to jail, this was the sort of handy household tip one would expect from Martha Stewart....Here is a list of words and phrases I am too classy to use in conjunction with the following news item: "keep abreast," "forward thinking," "shed some light," and "pointing ahead."...Hybrid, the new, hot advertising slogan that you can soon expect to see attached to every product imaginable, even hamburgers....Want the non-exploding laptop? That's an upgrade....Health Report: They're sort of safe to listen to, you just shouldn't eat off one. Maybe this guy didn't heed the previous advice, but for whatever reason he went on a rampage with a large piece of earthmoving equipment....It is good to know there are professionals such as ESPN's Bill Simmons doing the hard work of selecting top YouTube videos for the rest of us. Red Sox fans, be sure to check out the last two on his list. Speaking of ESPN and sports reporters and Boston sons, we send well wishes to Peter Gammons, and hope for a speedy recovery. Rock on.