Don’t Monkey Around
Soon, Britney Spears won't be the only one with demanding fans and pushy paparazzi once the public starts following every move made by the Monkey Man from India....Another clear sign that television producers have completely given up trying to think up good, new program ideas....Husbands, this might be a good time to look deep into your wife's eyes and ask her, "Honey, what do you want me to make for dinner?"...There is so much about the World Cup that Americans don't know, such as what language do players curse the referees in? Speaking of World Cup action, boy, those Germans certainly like their Pepsi. Warning to World Cup fans, keep your excitement level down to Non-Fatal...."Attention K-Mart shoppers, we have a Blue Light Special on Picasso tapestries today in aisle six next to all that Martha Stewart crap we sell."
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