Fixing a Hole
Who said our elected officials won't tackle the important issues of the day? Meanwhile, in Mexico, running a dignified presidential election campaign seems out of the question. As for our own political leaders of the past, we must ask ourselves: Would George Washington ever have ordered a soy latte?...For those of us who sometimes wish to leave the television and those annoying commercials behind and like to step outside at night to look up at the stars and contemplate the universe, well too freakin' bad for us....If you stay indoors, and you long for TV shows with bad acting and silly plot lines, the good news is that there will be something new for you to watch. What He Is Really Saying Quote of the Week: "There's always been a reluctance on the part of American television to recognize formats from around the world," said Jack Abernethy, CEO of Fox Television Stations. "There's been this notion that we're somehow more sophisticated and that these kind of plot lines aren't going to work here. This is going to prove them wrong." Translation: We are morons who would watch a 24-hour Paint Drying Channel if someone produced it....I can't believe there is only one major Lewis & Clark bicentennial celebration event left, and I haven't been to a single L&C party. And here is something else I missed out on..."Hello, is this the Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder Hot Line? Could you send someone over right away?"
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