Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Experiencing Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By
I am in complete computer crisis mode at the moment. I am coming to you from an auxilary computer known as an iMac, which was apparently designed by Martians. I am connected to the Internet through an old system invented by Edison known as dial-up service, and which involves, I believe, bailing wire. It's like I am living back in Colonial days. My old trusty computer can't hook up to the Internet or my email. Therefore, I am unable to send out my column via email to my subscribers, nor am I able to update my webpage. I can barely update this blog. However, this week's column can be found here: at the MetroWest Daily News website.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Facts of Life

After being told how babies are made, my ten year old wondered where a mommy and daddy went to make a baby. I asked him where he thought they went. He had two guesses:

a) in the bathroom;
b) in a hospital.

At this rate, this could be the last generation of humans.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Knock, Knock, Anyone Here?

It has been so long since I last updated this blog, has completely changed everything. So there is a very good chance that what I am currently blogging will never get posted correctly. If you are reading this, my fears were unfounded.

Unfortunately, I have nothing exciting to report. Except that last week our neighborhood experienced the dreaded Return of the Psychopathic Mockingbird. Here is my column from last year about this evil bird.