Thin is the New Fat
Medical news about your diet that will make you say, "Are you freakin' kidding me!"
Global warming might be real, but it would help the climatologists's credibility a smidgen if they could first predict with some accuracy what the weather will be like in, say, July 2007 before asking us to believe what they predict it will be like in July 2080.
Chalk one up for the infidels, the Mickey Hamouse show was canceled.
You've probably heard the joke before: "Last night I went to the fights, and a Pops concert broke out."
It has been pointed out that you need a driver's license to drive a car, but no training to have a child. After seeing this, I don't think a child-rearing license would help either. Some people should just never be allowed to have children, period.
Advice for any young person planning a career in journalism: Learn to wait tables. (Someday that might be the only job not outsourced to India.)
Criminals, it's like they aren't even trying anymore.
At least here is a criminal that puts a little effort into it.
Some people visit Italy for the art, others go there to see sculptures of large naked guys.
More David Hasselhoff - International Drunken Star. Since it is sung in German, I have provided a rough translation of the song's chorus: "I can't believe I'm this popular /And could sure down a bottle of tequila/As well as a hamburger right now. /Also, girls when you rush the stage/At the end, please no/Touching the hair."
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