Jimmy Neutron's Grandfather
I have to admit, growing up we had Big Boy restaurants around us, and the Big Boy statue always sort of creeped me out. So this would have been really weird. As for the headline, there is an unmistakable family resemblance.
Responding to the news, JetBlue immediately canceled 100 flights.
I guess it's hard being the Hoff. But that doesn't mean we don't have another schmaltzy music video of his to link to.
Speaking of singers, here's Fantasy All Star Idol, not to give away the end but Ziggy Stardust marries Ryan Seacrest.
They will start construction just as soon as someone brings them a cubit-based tape measure.
How did I miss the Cheese Nun?
It's Miller time.
Is that a gun in your diaper, or are you just happy to see me? Quote of Note: "Does a 10-month-old need a FOID card? No, but there are no restrictions under the act regarding age of applicants."
Concerned that they may need to ask passengers to push their planes, JetBlue immediately canceled another 64 flights.
Have any plans for Saturday? Now you do. Among the Events: "Smokey the Bear is scheduled to appear. A scavenger hunt, tree rubbings and a professional tree climbing event are a few of the activities." Tree rubbings?
So, did you do anything special for Mother's Day?
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