It's Good to be Back Online
I honesty don't remember what life used to be like before the Internet. I was limited to sporadic dial up service for four days and it felt as if I was on an episode of Colonial House. If things got any worse, I was afraid I would have to start hauling buckets of water home from the town well, churn my own butter, and look up information in a book. Luckily, my DSL service was returned due to Verizon's expert tech support team.
Kids, when I was young we had a saying: "Never trust anyone over 30." This is why.
Real Estate Tip of the Day: Before putting your house on the market, go through and remove all personal items, such as family photos, dead bodies, etc.
Marketing Tip of the Day: Give the consumer what they demand. If they want strawberry flavored meth, then tell them it's strawberry flavored meth. What will they know, anyway? Their brains are already the consistency of yogurt.
Stealing Cell Phones Tip of the Day: Before hiding it in your pants, turn off the ring tone.
Inspirational Headline of the Day, especially for any older gentlemen out there who still like to get busy once in a while in the, um, wood shop with the, um, drill press, if you know what I mean.
Whoever said today's teachers aren't as tough as they were in the old days doesn't attend school in Orlando.
Houston residents looking to make a little extra cash, here's a great opportunity.
This is also good advice whenever visiting Sheryl Crow.
She didn't wonder how it was he had a new car every time he came by?
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