Hooked on a Feeling
The best part of Western culture is that at some point nearly every idea will get tried at least once. So if we lived in a communist state, would a major, well respected, weekly news magazine think to ask top fashion consultants to remake the look of one of the most dangerous, and yes weird, men in the world? No, I think not. But Newsweek thought it was a great idea. So here is the Kim Jong Il Extreme Makeover (or Hip Eye for the Dictator Guy).
The pets prefer to think of themselves as being big boned.
"Hey look, honey, our Canadian friend lost some change in our sofa cushions."
When visiting Peru, drinking the water might be your best option.
One word, Yuck!
Looking for a good time? Go to Carlisle, apparently the morose season has ended.
Only in California can a pizza delivery robbery turn into a shoot out.
Criminals today. Whatever happened to using old fashioned rope or duct tape to secure your victims?
If you want them to polish your hood ornament, that's extra.
Tip of the Day for Prison Inmates Writing Threatening Letters to Judges: Don't include your name, inmate number, and the address of the prison as part of the envelope's return address.
BarfWatch! If you were David Hasselhoff, you'd drink heavily too.
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