I Can Hear the Doppler Radars Buzzing
Did I peg it our what? My column about Opening Day last week predicted there would be a major freak spring snow storm coming, and I was correct. Twice it seems, if we get hit tomorrow as the TV weather sheep all predict. BAAA-humbug. Meanwhile, in baseball news, Dice-K faces Ichiro Suzuki in what would have been declared a national holiday in Japan except over there it will be taking place in the middle of the night tomorrow, or maybe yesterday, we can't be too sure which.
Continuing to keep this an ANS Free Zone, we will only mention that the DNA results are in and Anna Nicole Smith's baby's father was not a) a space alien, b) God, c) someone from the future or d) Sanjaya. Therefore this is not - CNN are you listening - a news story.
In celebrity wedding news, Elizabeth Hurley is in big trouble. Quote of Note: "They sat on a sofa and they were supposed to sit on the floor."
Guys who are dating, beware.
Granted, no one looks good when being arrested, but this is approaching Nick Nolte bad. What exactly happens to hair during booking? At least Rip Torn is not a firefighter (I know, previously posted).
Hint for those who collect things and it gets out of hand: Put it all in a building, call it a museum and charge admission.
Is that a Steinway in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
Then he called himself to see if he could make the ticket "disappear."
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