The Only Cubes I Like Are In My Drink
Next time you ask for a martini, make sure you're getting premium unleaded....Who says they don't know how to party in Nevada City?....Big deal if the customers do it, the employees at Home Depot move in slow motion all the time....Looking to start a new business but can't decide what kind? Consider trading in body parts. Quote of Note: "This is an industry anybody can get into, and there are bodies out there that are not being watched."....This contest would work much better if we were allowed to throw someone else's cell phone whenever we found them annoying....It's hard to believe, but this litigation happened someplace other than the United States....A practical wedding dress for the happy bride on her big day who outgrew the style she wore in high school....Beware in Scotland, street drinkers are on the move....This is why Rubik's Cube should be outlawed. We don't want to feel totally inadequate. This is bad enough, but this is devastating.
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