Who's Next On Deck?
Did you ever wonder what an alphabet chart - you know where A is for Apple, and there is a picture of both an A and an apple, etc - would be like if you wanted to offend as many people as possible? Wonder no more....Being a firefighter is becoming more dangerous all the time... Buncombe's Number One! (hic) Buncombe's Number One!...The cataclysmic weekend series with the Yankees has left Red Sox fans despondent. In related news, Yankees officials are driving to Williamsport with a truck loaded with cash...This is the sort of thing that gets farmers up early in the morning...Next on Divorce Court: Kolkata a divorced woman is told she must find a 70-year-old man to marry for at least one day then divorce him before being allowed to remarry her first husband, who accidentally divorced her while drunk. Celebrities would feel right at home there...Safety first: Helmets required, but riding topless okay....Good to see Augustus Gloop found steady employment....Comedy tip of the day, sound stupid. In Britain, that means a Birmingham accent. Wonder what works in the US?
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