A Drinking Blog With a Baseball Problem
It's not laziness why we don't exercise, we're just not heeding our brain chemicals. The chemical gives the brain a message roughly translated as, "Get exercising you worthless piece of $&!#. "...We just went from nine to 12 now down to 8 planets in a week. What's going on in the astronomy community? {Note about previous music video: Mr. P. Floyd and his band couldn't make Music Friday. Frankly, I don't think there's much of a future for the group in rock and roll music.] Regardless of how many planets scientists decide upon, in our hearts, and in our steel trap minds, we will forever think there are nine....Are you looking for a fun place to live where you fit in and feel you belong? Try Milwaukee. I am happy to report Boston made fourth on the list of drinking towns. There are clear signs of heavy drinking going on in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. Quote of Note: "I just want my horn back."....Wondering where you can see the giant melons from the Iowa State Fair displayed? The answer: here...I am still recovering from last weekend's BoSox debacle. Even Business Week piled on. There's still time, though, isn't there? Isn't there?...Music Friday: Of course I was just kidding about Pink earlier, This is hardly new music but when I saw the video come up I just had to link to Live at Pompeii because 1) Meddle is one of my all time favorite albums - years ago reaching must-have-on-a-deserted-island-status for me- and 2) I saw the Live at Pompeii concert movie at the one and only midnight movie I ever went to during college, back when the midnight movie of midnight movies was the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I admit, however, to dozing off during some of the songs. By the way, how great is YouTube? To be able to find all this great stuff at your desk. Personally, I don't see what their point is about surfing the web at work.
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