Friday, August 04, 2006

Pig in a Poke (actually, a Pub)
Going to Vienna, beware of the evil Yellow Sack Spider. And if you go to Germany, beware of this guy. (Actually, he lives in Michigan now, and according to this blog, last year started making friends with the local teens.)...What, now a pig can't have a beer once in a while?...Forget about traveling to Europe or Australia, there's Dyersville, Iowa. As the corn says: "If you book Costner, they will come."...Good news America, we are not the only country that feels it is necessary to put warning labels on EVERYTHING. Although, we're still the best at it....But when it comes to public official sex scandals, we really are prudes. We are nothing like the Scottish. The best part of the story is the wife refuting allegations that her husband had sex involving an ice cube: "You are like a monkey, so anybody rolling an ice cube around your body would end up with a hairball ..." she told her husband across the packed court room. "There is more hair on your body than there is on your head." For fun, read the wife's courtroom testimony, but imagine it's Hillary Clinton..."It's like brain surgery." Maybe a surgeon with way too much time on his hands. Oh good, another surgeon...Music Friday: Move over for Every Move a Picture.


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