Don't Like the Weather? Just Wait a Minute, and the Weather People Will Drive You Insane
Here is what life in New England is like: Today may reach 70 degrees, and they expect snowfall (described as "plowable") for Friday and Saturday. By "they" I mean the local TV weather forecasters who must stay up nights thinking up new ways to convince us that this time they are right about the Big Storm coming. Despite my skepticism, I will be hanging on every word tonight while watching the weather segment. Really, it's like an illness.
And to think, I use to complain when telemarketers called all the time.
Did you fill out your March Madness brackets yet?
In Florida, No Child Left Behind takes on a new meaning.
Happy Pi Day, you zany knuckleheads.
If you are banned from your town's library, you need to ask yourself one question: "When, exactly, did my life start spinning out of control?"
Parents disciplined kids a lot differently when I was young, he said with a twitch.
If only I had a dollar every time a DUI defendant claimed the old A-Unicorn-Was-Driving defense, I would have at least one of these.
Running a political campaign by having a website translation in Klingon makes perfectly good sense if you live in Finland, I guess.
Read the whole article and you'll probably wonder, as I did, why Travelodge isn't offering customers a full-sized Angelinalow or Depplow to cuddle with. This could be the reason why: Yikes! and Yikes again!
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