Make it Go Away
I am glad to see the Associated Press is following my ANS Free Zone example by trying their own PH Free Zone. Now if only the news media had the courage to declare a BS Free Zone. What? You were expecting a link to Britney Spears sporting her new bald look?
Meanwhile, PfB has been able to confirm that some people have no lives. We will stay on top of this breaking story where ever it takes us.
By the way, if you were one of the millions of Americans like myself who tuned in to the new Fox TV game show, So You Want to Be Smarter than a Fifth Grader, Good Luck You Loser you are officially owed that time back from the network. Unfortunately, it will be added on at the end of your life.
Dog Day Afternoon: Crime in LA is out of control. Meanwhile, in Boston officials get tough.
Now Cheney is warning the Swiss not to pull out of Liechtenstein too soon.
This is great, but what they need is a drug to stop dogs from peeing every time they get excited. Here is what all the fashionable and incontinent dogs will be wearing this season. In a related story, if you are taking a test in Germany, you might want to put on a pair of astronaut diapers. (As if we needed another reason to want to visit London.)
The long national nightmare is finally over.
Maybe after he serves his time, he is considering a career change to a loan shark.
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