Brain Damage
Keith Richards update: A Rolling Stones spokesperson is saying that their famous guitarist who sustained a head injury after he fell from a coconut tree, or off a jet ski, or perhaps fell off a jet ski that at the time was in a coconut tree, has not suffered brain damage....In other music news, Britney Spears has inflicted another pregnancy on the world. No word yet if she plans on having one of those new age underwater births....Now for a blast from the past with a Doors video that appears to be from the early 1700s. Let's see: bad lip sync, awful dancing, and a camera man who graduated from My Dad's First Time Using the Super 8 Movie Camera School of Cinematography. But a great song from yet another brain damaged rocker.....For future reference, they prefer to be called Little Galaxies....."Excuse me, is that your cell phone ringing, or are your pants threatening to deport me?"....As for border security, a group in Arizona is doing their small part by erecting a 150 foot long fence. This should deter illegal entry from people who travel hundreds, if not thousands of miles, then refuse to go an extra 75 feet around the fence....Next time, they could consider flying in....Legal News: in Germany jumping in front of a train is, apparently, not a crime, but you must pay for any damage caused....Not just rockers, sometimes alligator-riding real estate tycoons are a couple listings short in the old noggin.
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