As hard as this is to believe, Johnny "Dr. Phil" Damon has something more to say about being booed at Fenway the other night. Here's the deal: apparently Damon wants to play for the team which is the Red Sox's biggest obstacle to getting to another World Series, yet he still expects to be loved by Red Sox Nation. It's official, he is an idiot. Guaranteed, though, he will get his standing ovation in recognition for all he did as a Red Sox. It will come during his last Fenway at-bat the season he announces he's retiring. Fact: it's happened before. Leave it to David "BOOOOO-mer" Wells to put the whole matter in proper perspective....On to more important matters: particularly the Invasion of the New Zealand Mudsnail...Sick of Red Sox-Yankees rivalry, stay tuned for some real C-O-M-P-E-T-I-T-I-O-N...We always think of Canada as being this nice place with nice people, but do we really know what goes on up there?...This story is just like The Graduate, only Malaysian Style. Do you think at 104, and on her 21st husband, people might start thinking of her as morally loose?...This is the sort of out-of-the-box invention that many people dream up, but before they can market the product, they realize what a really, really stupid idea it is. My question is, what happens when you want to read one of these book sitting up?....Driving Safety Tip Checklist: Get in your car, buckle up, adjust the mirrors, leave the car in park, because idiots like this are on the roadways.
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