Yes, we might cuss more than we should, but at least this ain't South BLEEPING Park (Trust me, if this clip was not from Albania, you would hear many, many very bad cuss words in English)....Education Today: "OK kids, time for our social studies lesson, so would every please stop sitting still"...All right all you art lovers and Britney Spears fans, you won't want to go here...Education Today II: "Johnny, nice job on your writing assignment, I see you call this play you wrote Hamlet."...Oh crap, now DVD players have Blu-rays....It cost the parents $11 in tokens before they got the boy out...I knew something was odd about those American Pie movies...Need to learn to type, enjoy video games, and like destroying zombies? Good news, there's a product out there for you....Looking to get someplace fast, the scramjet could be the answer. Not to be confused with Roger Ramjet...This is a weird case, but we must feel pity for the guy if he is receiving telepathic communications from female celebrities such as her.
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