Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The World has Soccer, we have Donut Eating Cops
World Cup Update: Germany plays with new balls. Meanwhile, much is at stake for the Ukrainian team...Elizabeth Taylor dismissed the reports, then a half hour later she dismissed them again....From the Bird Flu to an active hurricane season, at least we can rest easy over the possible threat of a Tsunami caused by an underwater volcano...."I'll have another King Tuttini, shaken not stirred." King Tut is on tour, which the boy pharaoh does about as frequently as Cher, only that Cher has been around for much longer....The best part about political discourse in a legislative branch of government is the decorum....The rules of evidence in a Brazilian court are somewhat lower than here in America....Not that I'm questioning the dedication of our law enforcement personnel, but eating 13 donuts in three minutes doesn't seem like world champion numbers....It is only a matter of time before we all start receiving spam urging us to invest in the ropeless jump rope. If you read the article, it gets even better. Not only does this new jump rope not actually have a rope attached to it, but apparently there is only one handle so far, too. Considering these new advances in technology, how silly do these girls look?


At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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