Positively 666-6666th Street
Bob Dylan has a weekly show on XM radio now, and in the article the writer seems surprised by Dylan's humor. Why? Wouldn't you expect it from the guy who wrote what I consider to be the best lyrical put down in popular music: "Yes, I wish that for just one time/You could stand inside my shoes/You'd know what a drag it is/To see you."....Speaking of popular music, regardless of who wins tonight on American Idol, it is easy to spot the losers....Meanwhile, the Rolling Stones postpone concert dates as Keith Richards recovers from his falling-out-of-palm-tree-while-riding-a-jet-ski head injury....Bow your heads and cluck mournfully, Boo Boo the resuscitated chicken has passed away....Sometimes a town must take a stand and fight for what it believes in....Why I'm proud to be part Hungarian, we know what wine to serve our zoo animals....Don't Worry, Be Happy, Pay Taxes....By the time the child is entering high school, the mom has to be pretty well ripped....This is the sort of spontaneous purchase that takes a lot of explaining the next day to the wife. Any suggestions for what he can tell her, call him at 666-6666.
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Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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