Monday, May 15, 2006

Not only has it been raining for what seems to be several months around here, but some New England's are now dealing with dangerous flooding conditions....Whenever I read a story such as this one about couples selecting their child's sex, I can't help but root for the 1 percent chance that the other sex is born....This is nothing, Larry King could have filled the entire hour interviewing the wrong guy. Here's the actual interview of the cabbie/Internet expert....This should keep you from going over your cell phone minutes...Educational Tip of the Week: This probably sounded better when throwing a few back in the teachers' lounge before first period, but assigning an essay about murdering someone, is almost always a bad idea....There is no truth to the rumor that a Kennedy family member was involved in this traffic incident...And back to water-related stories: It might be the high mercury levels talking, but perhaps we should stop referring to it as the chicken of the sea.


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.


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