Gurgle II
After a week of flooding rains, show you care by giving a New Englander a hug; it will help squeeze the water from their clothes. According the weatherman, the torrential rains came because of two large weather disturbances in the atmosphere that stalled over the area creating blustery conditions.....Meanwhile, we are happy to report that Shamus, the 300-pound garden gnome, has been found unharmed....Granted, this would be extremely upsetting to witness, but whenever I go to a zoo, the animals never move and are usually hiding in some corner where you can't see them. Most of the time I am looking at a nice zoo habitat like this one, trying to pick out the animal from the rocks. With the proper landscaping and good signage, I'm convinced you could run a sucessful zoo without actually having any animals....I guess in Scottsdale, AZ ("The West's most Midwestern town") (I don't know who coined that term, but when I was growing up in the Phoenix area it was always used to describe Scottsdale), any other color taco would be okay except pink?...Fans of watching poker on television, who also like nudity, get ready to shuffle up and deal.
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