V Final Thoughts on Super Bowl XLI
I) Not until Rex Grossman started dropping snaps and throwing directly to the Colts defenders did I get the feeling either team wanted to win this game. Even then, neither team seemed to want to win, but I figured the Colts couldn't choke this game away if they tried. Manning passed for enough yardage to earn frequent flyer miles to Cancun, but the offense never made it more than a one possession game. Chicago was always a breakaway run from taking the lead until the interception return in the fourth quarter.
II) Vinatieri missed. It was good for New England's collective heart seeing him Vanderyank a field goal attempt at the end of the first half. It just shows he's merely a very good, Hall-of-Fame kicker, but he's not perfect. But how important is the snapper and holder?
III) Did anyone else expect to see Prince (the artist formerly known by a goofy-looking symbol) get electrocuted during his performance in the rain? It was the only reason I kept watching. Note to Super Bowl Half Time Show Committee: book whomever you want, it could be the Wiggles, just make sure to place them in a perilous situation. Viewers enjoy that.
IV) Right after the game I switched to the local Fox affiliate for the news, and only at the end of the sports segment did the sports guy even mention the Super Bowl outcome, and only as an aside, as if reporting on the Australian Open or something of limited viewer interest. Was there a news blackout? Is it Fox spite? They did a story on injured Celtic Paul Pierce almost returning to the team and Dice-K making a Japanese commercial in which he drinks a beer. Yeah, those are bigger sports stories than the Super Bowl.
V) If you want to make a humorous Super Bowl ad, it never hurts to have two lions discussing the proper way to roll their r's while saying carne asada. It also helps to mention Ricardo Montalban, it has a guaranteed snicker quotient of 8.5.
Kids have everything so much easier. In my day, we had to work hard to find porn.
Speaking of seeing people nude, I have one question about nudist gym time: Because why exactly?
Of course, this makes perfectly good sense.
Links to Stuff Mentioned in This Week's Column:
The "Wow" starts now, which as hard as it is to believe is the actual marketing slogan for Vista. In case you thought I was exaggerating about the home development names in Arizona, here's one, here's another, still another, here's one more, and this is the last one I'll post. This looks similar to the avocado green refrigerator in my basement. Finally, here's what Windows 3.0 looked like, and here's lawn furniture.
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