I did consider the idea that it would be nice for the good people of Indianapolis to win a Super Bowl, seeing how people there are Midwesterners and probably extremely friendly and polite to the point where if you were to get into a car accident with one of them, being from the Midwest they would not only exchange insurance information with you but also a creamed casserole dish or jell-o mold, which they normally carry extra of in their trunk for just such an emergency. But I decided against rooting for the Colts because: A) when the moving trucks filled with Colts equipment was pulling out of Baltimore, I was living in Phoenix and for a brief moment (regular programming was interrupted to show the moving trucks) we thought the trucks were heading our way. Instead, several years later Arizona got the Cardinals. Thanks a lot. B) Chicago is also filled with Midwesterners and, presumably, nice, jell-o eating people. C) Chicago never stole a professional team from another city that my hometown wanted to steal first. D) Chicago's quarterback, while not as talented as the Indianapolis quarterback, has one intangible going for him: he is not Peyton "The Endorser" Manning.
This Sunday, Flush without Fear: MSNBC takes on the top ten Super Bowl myths.
Joe Biden just announced his candidacy for president, meaning currently there are more presidential candidates in the world than there are pandas. Who might be next?
The first signs that an ancient village was once at the site of Stonehenge was the discovery of the remains of a Druid Wal-Mart greeter.
Consumer Alert!
The law should also be amended to include any member of the Indianapolis Colts. Here are the actual (for real) Standards of Herouxville from the town's website. Some of these are pretty good.
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