It is one of those cold mornings that can make one forget about global warming. With the lack of snow this season, the TV weather gaggle in New England is trying to make the best of the situation by cheerfully showing possible wind chill temperatures in the minus 30 range and happily explaining the accompanying risk of frostbite. After listening to them for a while, one would expect most people this weekend will be busy having the tips of their toes and fingers, along with ear and nose parts, cut off due to frostbite damage. But low temperatures are easier to deal with than a major snow or ice storm. To rephrase what they say in Phoenix about the heat, Hey, at least you don't have to shovel the cold.
To give an idea how serious the cold weather is, here's a weather graphic used by one TV station.
Meanwhile, in other news of interest only to New England, the Red Sox finally signed outfielder J.D. Drew before he reached retirement age, after coming to a preliminary agreement sometime back in the late 20th Century. Not that many fans are jumping up and down. The consensus on talk radio is that he won't work out here, and that he is a terrible signing by Theo. Which is enough reason for me to be hopeful that Drew will be a great player here.
ALERT, ALERT: Nicole Kidman was barely injured during an accident while filming a stunt for her new movie that, in all likelihood, I'll never watch. For some reason this was Big News last night and today. Even bigger news, while flipping channels last night Beth and I came across Stewart Little 2, and the dad in the movie was played by Hugh (Dr. House) Laurie. I didn't recognize him, even after my wife said, "Don't you recognize who that is?" He wasn't scruffy enough, I guess. I previously wrote about House/Laurie and realized there are A LOT of Hugh Laurie fans out there.
He wasn't too shy to ask for directions, he was a guy.
This is the sort of technological advances society needs.
If hiking or horseback riding in Saratoga, Calif., be on the lookout (or, maybe better, don't look) for a nude jogger with "dark hair, sweaty red skin and lack of body hair."
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