Manny Being Manny
Manny is not at spring training, did they check everywhere ? Apparently he has been excused. If Manny doesn't show March 1st, maybe the team will need more help looking for him....Talk about your alternative fuel...You have a right to be disappointed when you find out it was a roasted chicken...One final thought about the Daytona 500 last weekend, which always attracts a high class of people: Let me get this straight. Precision race cars drive around for a gawd awful number of hours in one general direction, except for when a car spins out of control and goes backwards for a while, all in anticipation of the final, exciting lunge to the finish, only to have the race suddenly end at lap 199.5 because of a collisiion that occurred in the back of the pack which couldn't possibly affect the leaders? Watching the Olympics gave me an idea how NASCAR could be improved. Add guns. Why hasn't it been done already? Called BiNASCARlon, after every pit stop, before the driver can leave pit row, he must shoot at targets attached to old, rusty cars left in the racetrack infield. For every missed shot, the driver must add a lap. To make it even more interesting, drivers could be allowed to shoot at the tires of other drivers while the race is in progress. Meanwhile, here's an amazingly realistic video of what it feels like to be behind the wheel during a big race.
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