Monday, March 06, 2006

Elephant Handling Lesson No. 1: Don't get them perturbed at you.... The Oscars were held last night in Hollywood, which is a mythical land similar to Narnia, only with more gum on the sidewalks. And winning best picture was the movie, "Crash," which I haven't seen, beating out a bunch of other movies I haven't seen. Exciting stuff. Hairstyles took an experimental twist this year. Jon Stewart, after losing a bet, hosted the event. Here an Oscar statue appears to be relieving itself in front of a crowd of curious onlookers. Correction, I did see one Oscar winning feature. The following is an example of the duo's earlier work. And I saw half of another winner the March of the Penguins....In other news, not much happened, except that President Bush took up a new sport....And finally, the 60s ended that day in 2006 when they ate the last free love chimp.


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