Strike Out
First off, Jim Rice was robbed. Here's why he should be in the Hall of Fame. Although, maybe getting in isn't such a big deal ....When guys aren't arguing about who should be in the Hall of Fame, they argue about other important stuff...TAKE NOTE: If you're going to make a movie about Internet cannibals, at least do it in good taste...This woman's actions were completely justifiable. After all, too much burning love can cause this: A Hunka, Hunka Constipation...This is what happens when you leave a galaxy out in the rain too long...She was eating for two, wasn't she?...Dog version of Prison Break update...Where in the World is Kim Jong Il Diego? Wait, he's been spotted at an amusement park...Questions abound in the controversial flaming mouse story. The only point not in doubt is how the gentleman feels about mice: "I have an awful hate for those critters."...In the next Survivor: Panama - Exile Island, a former astronaut will be on the show. Expect him to be sent to Exile Island where he'll find a bottle with a genie in it...These guys will probably try to blame this on a mouse, too.
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