E-String Blues
My latest column was mentioned and linked to on the Modern Guitars Magazine website. I thank them and encourage anyone interested in guitars or music in general to check out the site. As for Kevin, he's been practicing a few classic rock guitar chords...Great, now we have to worry about something called a Blu-Ray Group. Are they anything like these guys?...This is just like that new TV show, Prison Break, except it's a dog...Finally, an awards show guys would stay up for...And speaking of doggie style, plus here is an artist's rendering of the suspect....Wondering what to get Pat Robertson next Christmas?...You know it's time for a new air freshener when neighbors have this to say, “Standing outside, one could smell death”...This is the type of honest sports headlines we don't get in America...By the way, the Patriots face the Broncos in Denver on Saturday. For those planning on attending the game, the stadium is located right around here somewhere...And last but not least: Good Luck, Mr. Rice.
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