Pats Go Flat
You remember how when you were a kid and had a birthday party, your parents would blow up a dozen colorful balloons and the next morning the balloons would all be half deflated looking like a dozen, sad, multi-colored, limp sacks of air? But now that you are an adult, for your children's birthday parties you buy those balloons which are made out of that space age Mylar stuff that the astronauts use for birthday parties on the International Space Station. These balloons stay inflated for what seems like infinity, and you can't kill the damn things without taking a sharp knife to them. Well, most sports championships (i.e. the Red Sox) are like the old balloons, bright and colorful but it doesn't last. The Patriots run of three Super Bowl wins in four years, 10 straight playoff victories, seemed Mylarish. We began to think it might never end. Of course, the Broncos jabbed a big old chef's knife into it on Saturday. Or maybe the Patriots accidentally cut themselves. Either way, the Mylar team is finished for this season and the players are off doing their own thing. Not too worry, in a few weeks the Winter Olympics start and we get to watch insane people slide down a mountain at tremendous speeds on a board the size of a credit card. Then something called the World Classic of A-Rod Deciding What Country to Represent is in March, followed by spring training, then the baseball season. In no time, Manny will be demanding a trade again, and Patriot fans will have something to cheer about.
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