Thursday, July 29, 2004

Never-Ending Convention: Day 3 (Feels Like Day 300)
From my secure vantage point 28 miles southwest of the Fleet Center, this week seems to be going by slowly. Convention organizers must have felt the same way, so yesterday they spiced things up by letting Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton speak, believing that it is important to allow all sides to participate in this convention, especially since the networks aren't covering it so the chances of anyone actually seeing them was slim.

Sen. John Glenn also spoke to the convention. No word yet if he escaped afterward or had been recaptured by Kerry's campaign people, where he will be forced onto Kerry's Campaign Love Train after the convention.

Of course, last night was John Edwards's night. The vice presidential candidate gave a memorable speech about a lot of stuff I can't recall at the moment (hope and opportunity were mentioned). The speech was reminiscent of a Bill Clinton speech right down to the hand gestures, the southern accent, and twice referring to wife Elizabeth as "Hillary."

John Kerry landed at Logan airport earlier in the day then boated ashore on Kerry's Campaign Love Boat with his Vietnam buddies by his side who, it is now widely believed, have all been surgically attached to the presidential candidate's hip. Tonight is Kerry's big speech, so last night the eight or ten of them needed a good night's sleep. Hopefully, the bed was large enough.

Teresa Watch: Speaking before a group of nuns Wednesday, she told the sisters to "Shove it."

Weather today: Warm and Humid. (New England weather is not happy unless it can send visitors home with a cold.)

Ben Affleck (mandatory mention).

No word yet if Boston area residents who left town for convention week ever plan to return.


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