Day 2: Convention Boston
Here we are half way through the convention, and the Secret Service's security plan of frightening away the terrorists by telling them for months how bad traffic conditions were going to be worked. When driving a car bomb, I guess the last thing you want is to get stuck in traffic. Despite the good news, I will remain in my secure location 28 miles southwest of the Fleet Center, where no unusual activity has occurred other than the fact that it has been autumn outside. Summer was deemed a security risk - like Boston residents and commuters - and not allowed anywhere near New England during convention week.
Good news for captive Sen. John Glenn. He finally escaped from the John Kerry Campaign Love Plane sometime between stops in Florida and Philadelphia. But just like in those horror movies when the audience screams at the person NOT TO GO IN THAT ROOM, because that's were the bad guy with the mask and the acetylene torch is, well, John Glenn SHOWED UP AT THE FLEET CENTER. I am sure many convention viewers were yelling, "No, no, don't go in there Sen. John Glenn, Democrat from Ohio, get out while you still can."
Prediction: The state senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, who gave a rousing keynote speech ("Get out, John Glenn! Kerry is coming") will become President of the United States someday. Or he won't. I am sure of that. At least, pretty sure.
Teresa Heinz Kerry, the wife of almost-no-longer-presumptive-nominee John Kerry, began her nationally televised speech last night by thanking everyone and graciously telling Americans to "Shove it." She received a standing ovation.
And finally, there was Ben Affleck. Every place news coverage turned yesterday, it kept bumping into him. Doesn't he have a movie to make?
Weather today: Wet and fall like.
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