Friday, March 11, 2005

World Series Trophy Tour
It made it to our town yesterday and all four of us went to the high school to see it. We got there a half hour early, and a long line had already formed. Then finally it arrived, and was placed on a table and they started letting people walk by it and take pictures with it. This was helped along by one of the police officers on duty who, as each family approached the trophy, he reached out for their camera to take their picture. The problem was that when it was our turn we were so focused on posing for the picture that we forgot to actually look at the trophy. With so many people there, they kept the line moving. It felt like the scene in A Christmas Story when Ralph visits Santa and forgets why he was there until they are pushing him down the slide. As we were walking away and other people were posing, I turned back for one parting glance.

If the trophy comes this way again, I hope it's at a time when we can go - but without our camera.


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